Contact me
Email me at tessa@tessaeastman.com
Find me at Cockpit Studios
Major pieces can be seen and acquired from the international galleries and interior designers who represent my work.
Contemporary Applied Arts
London UK
Email: info@caa.org.uk
FBC London
London UK & New York USA
Email: info@fbc-london.com
Los Angeles USA
Email: engarde@gardeshop.com
Pik’d Gallery
Email: randamissir@pikd.net
Puls Contemporary Ceramics
Brussels BELGIUM
Email: mail@pulsceramics.com
Alveston Fine Art
London UK
Email: art@alveston.london
Galerie de l’Ancienne Poste
Email: ibrunelin@orange.fr
Jason Jacques Gallery
New York USA
Email: info@jasonjacques.com
Ting Ying Gallery
London UK & Hong Kong CHINA
Email: info@ting-ying.com
Photos on site by Sussie Ahlburg, Lorenzo Belli, Stephen Brayne, Alun Callender, Jake Curtis, Sylvain Deleu, Marco Lehmbeck, Stephen Papandropoulos, Agata Pec, Cristina Schek, Juliet Sheath and Jamie Trounce.
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